Showing records 1 to 25 from 96, page 1 of 4

Name Rank Points Kills Deaths KDR Play Time
Pi 96 1 0 6 0.00 0:04:05
sativa steve 95 3 3 14 0.21 0:28:21
bella 94 6 4 11 0.36 0:26:59
mylesgobel 93 7 2 3 0.67 0:12:53
Polish_User 92 8 2 7 0.29 0:12:06
Turtle Bong 92 8 2 9 0.22 0:17:05
jumos 90 10 0 4 0.00 0:10:14
virtualducky 89 12 5 9 0.56 0:27:28
Colonel D. Savage 88 13 5 8 0.63 0:18:16
86cgt 87 15 0 4 0.00 0:04:40
onebigames 86 20 12 17 0.71 0:15:51
certified gamer 85 22 6 20 0.30 0:19:38
Sqaurm 84 26 14 33 0.42 0:35:48
Tax F. Raud 83 27 7 20 0.35 0:22:46
ひ penisbearcats ひ 82 29 10 8 1.25 0:10:42
@objcam 81 31 10 15 0.67 0:19:42
<0>Archseer Stray Cat 80 36 16 9 1.78 0:18:55
Shazbot 79 41 15 29 0.52 0:30:15
Lusty Feitorian Maid 78 43 13 47 0.28 1:08:59
Tacticle 77 44 20 35 0.57 0:37:09
Gil_das_Neves 76 46 17 30 0.57 2:29:06
Ralf 75 51 18 56 0.32 0:57:30
Unfamous7 74 53 25 32 0.78 0:37:45
The most sane palworld fan 73 63 17 47 0.36 1:03:01
DECO 72 65 20 46 0.43 0:54:02

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