Showing records 26 to 50 from 89, page 2 of 4

Name Rank Points Kills Deaths KDR Play Time
APPLEZ 72 52 28 27 1.04 0:33:22
Vasim 63 89 35 34 1.03 0:55:32
McMufin 52 183 65 65 1.00 0:55:48
Thanatos 18 971 354 358 0.99 5:15:27
Dr.Shimapan 4 2,212 540 573 0.94 11:53:28
Juffos 20 970 227 247 0.92 4:28:52
ZeroSketch 55 126 21 23 0.91 0:55:14
GenConnor 44 283 109 122 0.89 1:51:54
Snoopkirby 5 2,169 657 739 0.89 12:36:08
wonka`s willy 57 114 35 41 0.85 0:55:36
monkeybehindbars 20 970 280 356 0.79 10:06:32
littleteapot132 73 49 21 27 0.78 0:51:33
Tataizer 71 56 20 26 0.77 0:28:26
sickodevon 30 538 100 131 0.76 1:57:23
ひ penisbearcats ひ 34 413 141 186 0.76 3:29:06
BenikeMer 77 28 6 8 0.75 0:11:37
HMB 10 1,439 426 574 0.74 9:19:48
4RM0 16 1,060 267 373 0.72 7:16:35
fullivalerio5 80 20 12 17 0.71 0:18:32
bullhammer59 26 632 224 320 0.70 8:32:47
reach 67 75 16 23 0.70 0:26:28
Reaper 38 305 47 68 0.69 1:49:26
Polish_User 43 284 91 134 0.68 2:05:17
Deltarin 41 286 88 131 0.67 2:13:54
geist 17 1,016 249 380 0.66 4:41:20

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