Showing records 1 to 25 from 89, page 1 of 4

Name Rank Points Kills Deaths KDR Play Time
Snoopkirby 1 2,838 845 742 1.14 12:26:11
Cokie 2 2,454 579 384 1.51 12:33:46
Larn 3 2,428 315 640 0.49 15:18:23
(duck*)cartesianBear 4 2,020 342 510 0.67 9:23:25
[bd]JohnnyPneumatic 5 1,805 397 530 0.75 10:14:47
HMB 6 1,654 380 518 0.73 10:50:08
alpha 7 1,577 484 392 1.23 6:56:32
Pepper 8 1,455 492 370 1.33 8:29:00
gunguy 9 1,259 347 165 2.10 5:18:20
near oasis 10 1,227 351 238 1.47 4:13:10
Thanatos 11 1,224 401 318 1.26 5:46:48
xx 12 1,208 329 252 1.31 4:56:43
Whiteclaw Tic-Tacs 13 1,118 129 350 0.37 6:32:50
Tope 14 1,031 299 154 1.94 3:37:09
Lunar 15 845 259 370 0.70 6:19:12
uMadBro. 16 838 204 273 0.75 6:04:31
Infrequent 17 819 281 149 1.89 3:22:36
Shroud Leopard 18 792 171 189 0.90 4:55:09
prakin 19 752 165 251 0.66 9:22:37
[idk] Willy (no voip) 20 719 240 122 1.97 2:56:32
Syrphern 21 675 173 139 1.24 3:19:31
Dur`Rean 22 638 195 133 1.47 3:30:00
Twisted Grin 23 568 113 154 0.73 2:21:51
4RM0 24 546 192 138 1.39 2:48:31
[UPA] Speckled Jim 25 542 90 124 0.73 2:40:21

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