Showing records 1 to 25 from 103, page 1 of 5

Name Rank Points Kills Deaths KDR Play Time
Snoopkirby 1 3,389 979 881 1.11 14:36:31
Larn 2 3,346 441 922 0.48 20:19:09
(duck*)cartesianBear 3 3,207 522 756 0.69 14:10:24
Omega 4 2,894 685 448 1.53 14:05:52
alpha 5 2,684 847 684 1.24 12:12:56
HMB 6 1,900 440 604 0.73 12:18:15
Tope 7 1,823 570 311 1.83 6:40:28
[bd]JohnnyPneumatic 8 1,816 399 540 0.74 10:23:58
Pepper 9 1,805 615 457 1.35 10:46:47
Thanatos 10 1,746 545 457 1.19 8:05:13
gunguy 11 1,393 397 187 2.12 6:00:53
near oasis 12 1,227 351 238 1.47 4:13:10
xx 13 1,208 329 252 1.31 4:56:43
Lunar 14 1,200 354 487 0.73 8:10:48
Whiteclaw Tic-Tacs 15 1,118 129 350 0.37 6:32:50
prakin 16 1,046 232 332 0.70 11:24:00
uMadBro. 17 1,024 263 346 0.76 7:51:02
4RM0 18 967 330 267 1.24 5:22:07
Twisted Grin 19 925 175 297 0.59 4:16:51
Infrequent 20 908 296 166 1.78 3:42:45
Shroud Leopard 21 792 171 189 0.90 4:55:09
Fluffy Destroyer 22 736 186 257 0.72 5:52:56
[idk] Willy (no voip) 23 719 240 122 1.97 2:56:32
Syrphern 24 675 173 139 1.24 3:19:31
Dur`Rean 25 657 201 137 1.47 3:41:39

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