dys_desert_beta5 on Sewertemple of the hidden Cybermonks - 10/28/2023 21:20:28


Player Name Team Points Kills Deaths
HMB Corp 0 0 1
alpha Punk 0 0 0
Cokie Corp 0 0 0
Schattenläufer Corp 0 0 0
sickodevon Punk 0 0 0
Happy Moth Corp 0 0 1
black-smoke-max Corp 0 0 1
muted Punk 2 1 0
Pizza Dog Punk 2 1 1
gunguy Punk 3 1 0
FearOfTheDomo-Kun Corp 4 1 0
Prox Punk 17 0 0


Player Name Team Objective Time


Weapon Name Shots Hits Accuracy Damage Headshots Kills
Minigun 203 5 2.46% 78 0 0
Ion Cannon 24 6 25.00% 590 0 0
Frag Grenade 18 4 22.22% 178 0 0
EMP Grenade 22 7 31.82% 144 0 0
Katana (Medium) 52 2 3.85% 150 0 1
Grenade Launcher 6 1 16.67% 33 0 1
Fatman Fist 82 9 10.98% 1,080 0 2
Shotgun 22 14 63.64% 208 0 2
Tesla Rifle 177 42 23.73% 604 0 2
CyberDeck 170 55 32.35% 498 0 2
Katana (Light) 226 19 8.41% 950 0 4
Spider Grenade 32 12 37.50% 755 0 4
Cortex Bomb 7 6 85.71% 830 0 4
Machine Pistol 371 74 19.95% 740 0 5
Smartlock Pistols 836 120 14.35% 960 0 5
Basilisk 149 54 36.24% 1,394 0 5
Bolt Gun 169 47 27.81% 2,708 2 7
Rocket Launcher 23 24 104.35% 1,699 0 8
Laser Rifle 150 50 33.33% 4,981 5 12
MK-808 Rifle 174 64 36.78% 3,200 7 16
Assault Rifle 983 210 21.36% 4,176 31 22


Implant Name Energy Other
SWT 7 0
Thermal 7 0
Cyberdeck 16 0
Stealth 125 0
Sound Suppressor 170 5
MediPlant 1,312 3,240
TAC Scanner 2,385 854
Leg Boosters 3,701 26,835


Player Name Damage Frag Cyber Damage Cyber Frag Hack Objective Objective Assist Secondary Objective Healing TAC Scanning
sickodevon 35 15 0 0 0 0 10 10 8 14
HMB 5 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0
alpha 14 9 5 2 0 0 0 0 1 0
muted 14 11 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 2
FearOfTheDomo-Kun 11 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 10
Cokie 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Schattenläufer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Prox 16 16 0 0 4 15 0 0 0 0
gunguy 10 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 15
Happy Moth 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pizza Dog 11 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
black-smoke-max 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0