Showing records 1 to 25 from 104, page 1 of 5

Name Rank Points Kills Deaths KDR Play Time
Larn 1 3,436 448 956 0.47 20:54:27
Snoopkirby 2 3,389 979 881 1.11 14:36:31
(duck*)cartesianBear 3 3,294 535 794 0.67 14:43:16
Omega 4 2,984 718 465 1.54 14:37:38
steven seagal 5 2,800 908 720 1.26 12:44:41
HMB 6 2,022 457 634 0.72 12:54:16
Tope 7 1,927 606 332 1.83 7:13:08
Thanatos 8 1,835 585 492 1.19 8:34:42
[bd]JohnnyPneumatic 9 1,816 399 540 0.74 10:23:58
Pepper 10 1,808 617 461 1.34 10:50:23
gunguy 11 1,503 421 208 2.02 6:35:11
near oasis 12 1,227 351 238 1.47 4:13:10
xx 13 1,208 329 252 1.31 4:56:43
Lunar 14 1,200 354 487 0.73 8:10:48
uMadBro. 15 1,128 282 367 0.77 8:26:27
Whiteclaw Tic-Tacs 16 1,118 129 350 0.37 6:32:50
prakin 17 1,075 240 355 0.68 11:52:48
4RM0 18 1,000 348 290 1.20 5:50:06
Twisted Grin 19 925 175 297 0.59 4:16:51
Infrequent 20 908 296 166 1.78 3:42:45
Shroud Leopard 21 815 175 196 0.89 5:06:30
Fluffy Destroyer 22 762 194 278 0.70 6:06:16
[idk] ProLootGoblin 23 733 280 216 1.30 4:02:42
[idk] Willy (no voip) 24 719 240 122 1.97 2:56:32
Ricardo_estep:ESP:VK! 25 696 151 313 0.48 5:38:34

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