dys_infect_fix on baux.site [test] server - 06/27/2024 20:09:59


Player Name Team Points Kills Deaths
Syrphern Punk 116 22 16
Deathy Punk 104 21 26
[idk] Willy Punk 92 16 12
Polish_User Punk 92 13 19
bauxite Punk 75 11 21
Random Corp 88 20 16
Snoopkirby Corp 65 19 21
QETC Corp 63 29 15
muted Corp 58 15 20
Turtle Bong Corp 25 5 21


Player Name Team Objective Time
Deathy Punk Destroy The Server 02:41
Polish_User Punk Capture Spawn 03:45
bauxite Punk Gain Access to Comm Tower 07:49
Random Corp Protect Access to Comm Tower 08:24
bauxite Punk Gain Access to Comm Tower 09:01
Snoopkirby Corp Protect Access to Comm Tower 10:20
Syrphern Punk Gain Access to Comm Tower 11:11
Random Corp Protect Access to Comm Tower 11:59
bauxite Punk Gain Access to Comm Tower 12:38
Snoopkirby Corp Protect Access to Comm Tower 12:59
Syrphern Punk Gain Access to Comm Tower 14:45
Random Corp Protect Access to Comm Tower 15:34
Syrphern Punk Gain Access to Comm Tower 16:57
Random Corp Protect Access to Comm Tower 17:39
Syrphern Punk Gain Access to Comm Tower 18:25
[idk] Willy Punk Destroy Comm Tower 18:31


Weapon Name Shots Hits Accuracy Damage Headshots Kills
Katana (Light) 57 1 1.75% 50 0 1
Katana (Medium) 24 4 16.67% 300 0 4
Machine Pistol 789 92 11.66% 920 0 14
Laser Rifle 58 25 43.10% 2,292 0 9
Bolt Gun 216 105 48.61% 4,438 0 16
Assault Rifle 1,379 376 27.27% 6,639 44 42
Grenade Launcher 252 179 71.03% 7,572 0 26
MK-808 Rifle 73 27 36.99% 1,350 1 5
Tesla Rifle 1,238 438 35.38% 8,541 0 29
Ion Cannon 10 8 80.00% 842 0 1
Basilisk 519 166 31.98% 4,142 0 20
Frag Grenade 54 23 42.59% 896 0 1
EMP Grenade 19 4 21.05% 35 0 0
Spider Grenade 6 6 100.00% 384 0 0
CyberDeck 374 129 34.49% 1,146 0 3


Implant Name Energy Other
TAC Scanner 5,190 1,316
Thermal 5 0
Stealth 491 9
MediPlant 1,536 3,232
Leg Boosters 2,055 18,507


Player Name Damage Frag Cyber Damage Cyber Frag Hack Objective Objective Assist Secondary Objective Healing TAC Scanning
Syrphern 20 21 2 1 5 53 6 2 6 0
Deathy 28 21 0 0 0 15 10 0 0 30
[idk] Willy 25 17 1 0 6 15 16 9 3 0
Polish_User 28 13 0 0 0 15 10 0 0 26
bauxite 18 12 1 0 6 33 0 5 0 0
Random 18 20 2 1 5 41 0 1 0 0
Snoopkirby 9 19 0 0 2 20 7 0 8 0
QETC 34 27 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
muted 15 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31
Turtle Bong 8 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 9