- Lowered rolling stats time from 60 days to 30 days.
- Changed Servers page to show a list of active servers.
- Added realtime Play-by-Play display.
- Linked to Play-by-Play from the Active Servers list.
- Changed round detail to use relative time when showing objective time.
- Fixed player list and server list sorting.
- Added more signature styles and extensible framework for defining signature styles.
- Various performance improvements.
- Added Features About page.
- Added current server status tool.
- Updated Player vs. Player matrix detail popup.
- Various minor bugfixes.
- Dystopia v1.2 released on Steam. Stats reset.
- Wrote some AJAX to replace the shadowbox in player comparison
- Created a heatmap viewer to scroll through the levels
- Added player opponent visualization displays: Wheel and Rgraph.
- Wheel - shows top opponents, lines between players show players that have killed others. Darker blue indicates more kills.
- Rgraph - shows top opponents and matchups within the group. Clicking on a player will re-focus the graph around that player. Connections (edges) link players that have killed (or been killed by) each other.
- Added achievements. Achievements are shown on a player's summary page and listed on a player's awards page.
- Added points, kills, deaths (per hour) to global class and player-specific class stats.