These are a few of the features that we feel make Dystopia Stats unique and distinct from other game statistics packages.


Heatmaps show where people have died on each map. Red areas indicate more deaths while blue areas indicate less deaths. Heatmaps can also be viewed for each round, allowing you to compare a recent round you've played against the overall trend.

For overall heatmaps: From the Maps listing and select the map you wish to view. For a round specific heatmap: From the Players Listing, select a player to view, then go to the Rounds tab to view their recent rounds. Select a round then go to the Heatmaps tab.

Example Overall heatmap for Detonate
Example Round specific heatmap for Detonate

Player vs. Player Matrix

This matrix shows how many times players killed each other during a specific round. Clicking on a cell shows detailed information about that specific attacker-defender matchup.

From the Players Listing, select a player to view, then go to the Rounds tab to view their recent rounds. Select a round then go to the Matrix tab.

Example Player vs. Player Matrix

Opponent relational graph

This shows the relationships between your top opponents. Each node represents a player and lines connect players that have fought each other. Clicking on a player's node will recenter the graph on them and display their top opponents. This allows you to effectively navigate across the entire Dystopia player base by traversing opponent relationships.
The Navigation tab in the left panel shows the kill/death breakdown for each opponent displayed.

From the Players Listing, select a player to view, then go to the Opponents tab. Click Rgraph to open the Opponent relational graph.

Opponents for urinal-cake (and click on Rgraph)

Detailed player performance report

This report provides information on a player's performance during a specific round. Use this report to see how you did on during a recent game. You can also retrieve past rounds to see how you've improved.

From the Players Listing, select a player to view, then go to the Rounds tab to view their recent rounds. Select a round, then click on a player name to view the round specific report.

urinal-cake's performance during a recent round

Current server status

This feature shows the current info for a game server. You can see what map is currently being played along with the player count.

From the Servers Listing, click the info link for a server.

Server Listing